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.... Who is Kyra Anyways? 


 "Kyra has worked with business executives, cancer patients, troubled teens, the young and old, the happy and the sad; all to much success.  She is solution focused and strength based, Abraham Hicks LOA coach.  She doesn't dwell in the problem; she turns the client towards their personal vision and desired path. Her clarity is unsurpassed!"  Walter S.


Our "inspiration" guides us to our desired path! This happens when we listen to the call of source. 


The Experience


    Kyra is a clear and passionate Law of attraction coach. She specializes in the work of Abraham Hicks.   She can clarify and simplify any technique with ease!  

💫She has trained other coaches and teachers.  Kyra is clear about who she is and her purpose. She passes this clarity on to you. 

     Kyra has an effective, yet simple process towards increasing clarity in one's life and moving towards solutions.  She passes information in an easy and pinpointed way.  Teaching tools from Abrahams the Law of Attraction; she easily gets to where you need to go. 

Her goal is NOT to fix you, for you are NOT broken.   The goal is to get you in the receptive mode, feeling and knowing your true worth and value,  so you can learn to shift and create in your own life with ease!  

Kyra is a clear intuitive empathic reader.  Kyra is a masterfully intuitive Law of Attraction mindset coach based on a lifelong devotion to the teachings of Abraham Hicks.. 

She lives happily with her amazing partner and her dog, who is the president of fun, play, and joy in her company!


"In watching the beautiful free spirits of the children and the animals,  we learn to reconnect to that freedom and joy within ourselves!" Kyra Renee

Her Training

 Kyra received her B.A. in the Human Sciences, and received her M.A.  in Human Service Counseling with an emphasis in Life coaching and Leadership.  She focuses on self empowerment, and and aligned mental, and emotional state of being..

She has 28 years of daily practice in working exclusively with the teachings of Abraham Hicks. 

She has coached for and run groups in public for 15 + years. 

She also is a trained Byron Katie facilitator since 2006, and discovered "Who we really are without our stressful stories that hinder us?!" This is a key to the the allowing process

She also has a background in mindful meditation, holistic wellness and wellbeing,  Reiki 3- certified 10 years, 20 years with Feng-shui and space clearing, and so much more. She keeps everything in line with the teachings of the Law of Attraction (positive) and with  Abraham-Hicks. 

  Kyra attended too many trainings and certifications to mention here.  She is fully tuned in and has learned how to hear and receive guidance from Source energy.  Fun!   


"We are all worthy beyond description and amazing because we all come from the Source energy of love and light" ❤


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